Tuesday, 6 April 2010

T-shirt Contest - Inside or Outside Pants?

Hey! I'm asking you to be active on the blog!

I need you participation on what is going to be the first "Looks&Tips Contest"... about how do you prefer to wear T-shirts!

Should we hear it inside or outside of pants? What do you prefer... and why?

Some should say that under pants would be a more fashionable way and some sort of vintage origins,  the more conservatives may say that you feel more confortable with it outside. Is there any rules for this...and does it depend too much on your outfit?

What about using belts...is it really necessary? In what way?...

Let me know about your thoughts and opinions...feel free to comment!


The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist

O Alfaiate Lisboeta

Disco Fun Bath


Stil in Berlin

Disco Fun Bath

Vanessa Jackman


  1. I jUst Love botH: inSidE_OuT...I beLieve iS tHe t'ShiRt tHat makes the ruLe

  2. Outside, absolutely

  3. Inside... a tshirt is comfortable and fun, but a blouse brings charm and elegance

  4. I wear it inside... and that allows you show your belt.
