Thursday, 15 July 2010


barre|noire was founded in 2009 by two Berlin Designers.

Their collections appeal by their choice of fabric, smooth leather and unique processing details. 
Clear cut-design, selected and clear colours, reduced colour saturation – all these elements are combined to create the fresh, young and unique look of the newcomers.

They are still growing up as a child of the beloved capital, Berlin, but one could say the label is now entering the stage of adolescence. With designs that they define as a "conservative business look", Timm Süssbrich and Aleida Roserare striving for the stars in fashion-heaven!

Although based in Berlin and love working there they believe that "Berlin isn’t yet in competition with the fashion metropolises of Europe" and this is why they want  to move their focus out of the capital for their next collection. They are currently looking for retail partners all over Germany, and further beyond in France and Switzerland, to allow their designs to be available to a larger clientele.

However, they still love Berlin. "We get our inspiration from the city, the architecture and its people". Berlin's famous diversity has also influenced the designers, who state that "it's good growing up surronded by so much creativity and so much inspiration!"
in "Matchless Mag"

Good Luck Timm!

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